
ईमेल[ईमेल संरक्षित]

सब वर्ग

खोदक मशीन

होम>एस्ट्रो मॉल>सान समूह मशीनरी>खोदक मशीन

एस्ट्रो मॉल


5 टन हाइड्रोलिक मिनी खुदाई SY50U-टियर 4F


Operational Weight: 5200kg
इंजन पावर: 29.1/2400kW/rpm
बाल्टी क्षमता: 0.15m³
शर्तें: शहरी निर्माण, लैंडस्केप इंजीनियरिंग, ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में बुनियादी ढांचे का निर्माण, पत्थर क्षेत्र



图片 3-1

1. Yanmar engine ensures SY50U’s reliability in tough working conditions
2. Reinforced structure improves the machine’s stability and prolongs service life
图片 3-3
3. Multi-stage air and fuel filtration make the machine more stable and reliable.
उच्च दक्षता
图片 3-4

1. Advanced SLSS hydraulic system, optimal power control and work mode selection improve speed and power while reducing fuel consumption.
图片 3-5
2. Zero tail swing radius and independent boom swing allow operation in extremely confined spaces
图片 3-6
3. Low fuel consumption and high efficiency. SY50U reduces fuel consumption by 15 per cent and improves efficiency by 14.2 per cent.
सुरक्षित और पर्यावरण के अनुकूल
图片 3-7

1. The TOPS/FOPS certified SY50U ensures the safety for operation
图片 3-8
2. Eco-friendly tier 4 engine greatly reduces harmful emissions
图片 3-9
3. All the covering parts are made of metal, durable and recyclable. It doesn’t use FRP and other materials that have short service life and often cause pollution
आरामदायक और सुविधाजनक
图片 3-10

1. Comfortable operation: Broad view, adjustable seat and air condition make SY50U comfortable enough to operate.
图片 3-11
2. Large Engine Hood: Easier way to be opened, enables the operator to complete daily maintenance on the ground.
图片 3-12
3. Centralized Inner Structure: All key parts gathered in the back of the excavator, including air filter, oil filter, water separator, oil dipstick, expansion tank, oil filling mouth etc. reducing maintenance difficulty.

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