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Bouwmachines Uitrusting Bouw Betonmachines Baterijinstallatie HZS60F


Theoretische productiviteit: 60m³/u
Totale capaciteit: 3×10 m³
Silocapaciteit: 2×50t


Sany HZS60F Concrete Batching Plant makes the maximum productivity to 60 cubic meter per hour. The 60 cubic meter batching plant adopts a modular structure that can be assembled and disassembled rapidly using common hardware. This makes it convenient to move.
01 Fast Mounted
Build and put into operation Rapidly. Easy to Maintain and Move
Designed for Rapid and Convenient Installation
General Components Convenient Maintenance
Relexible to disassemble & assemble convenient to move
02 Energiebesparing
To improve mixing efficiency, the discharge ports of the aggregate silo and powder hopper are arranged in the middle of the mixer.
Production tasks intelligently queue in such a way as to achieve continuous production, improving efficiency by 10%.
The self adapting control integrates environmental protection and leak reduction to increase the discharge rate by 25%.
Intelligent production process control reduces energy consumption by 10%.
To prevent binding associated with material buildup, Sany intelligent cleaning allows cleaning without the need for shutting down the machine periodically. This enhances output and reduces the maintenance workload.
03 Intelligente regeling
The fault diagnostic system displays diagnostic messages in real time and displays reminders for maintenance based on operating conditions.
The system can be remotely upgraded to ensure the latest functions are available.
04 Milieubescherming
The enclosed feed design significantly reduces environmental impact.
Patented pressure relieving technology for the powder silo effectively collects dust and eliminates the need for roof access.
The optional waste water and waste materials system recycles these valuable materials.
05 Easy Maintenance
The overhaul cover plates and suspension points of the mixer permit convenient maintenance access and component replacement.
The hopper cover plate design provides unprecedented convenience for liner examination and replacement.
The powder hopper has a patented overhaul cap that solves the problem of breather pipe blockage.
The mixer cover is designed with caking prevention features and is configured with multiple manholes for convenient cleaning.
