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Lonking'i 1.64'da 2019 milyar RMB net kârla yeni zirvesine ulaştığı için tebrik ederiz

Zaman: 2020-03-30 Hitler: 169

With a global economic shutdown in 2019, Lonking has always maintained a steady development trend.

According to Lonking's 2019 annual report: During the reporting period, the total operating income of Lonking was about RMB 11.74 billion, down about 1% from RMB 11.87 billion in 2018; Net profit for the year was about RMB 1.64 billion (reaching a new peak in past 8 years), 30% higher than RMB 1.14 billion in 2018. In the case of a slight decline in total revenue, net profit increased by 30%, indicating a significant improvement in Lonking's profitability. We express our thanks to Lonking for their trust. Our company has been growing with the help of Lonking.